Concierge Medical Care by JENMED is simply the best...simply incomparable.
Concierge Medical Care is medical care on demand, whenever you need it.
What that means is - 24 hour availability and easy accessibility to your medical team.
Do you need that extra supervision during a tough medical illness?
Do you want the peace of mind of having your doctor on call for your family's health care needs?
- 24 hour access to your medical team - nurse/doctor
- Home visits, if needed (location dependent, conditions apply)
- Getting all your lab/test results sent promptly to you
- Medical care coordinated with specialists, surgeons, therapists, etc
- Appointments made for you
- Follow up discussions
- Serial monitoring and reviews
Sounds like a luxury?
Well, it is.
And it won't break the bank either!
Well worth the investment.
Concierge Rates starting at:
For Well Patients
Monthly USD $ 700.00
For Sick Patients
Monthly USD $ 1200.00
If you'd like more info or would like to book JENMED Concierge Medical Care Services, click here.